Professional Telephone Interviewing Services

From full-service to field and tab, WestGroup’s team of professional interviewers have extensive experience in bilingual interviewing, executive interviews, B2B research, and other specialized applications.  Maintaining a 50-station state-of-the-art Interviewing Center, we are able to get your important projects in and out of the field quickly and analyze your results.

Dialed in.

While other data collection methods have become increasingly popular, telephone surveys remain a key method for representative quantitative data collection. They can an optimum choice for gauging the opinions and attitudes of the general population, likely voters, or any other sub-group where a random sample is needed.

Wireless and land-line  telephone surveys are used for a variety of research studies, including:

  • awareness testing
  • advertising tracking
  • consumer preferences
  • competitive research
  • market segmentation
  • political polling
  • jury research
  • And many other topics…
With the latest automated CATI interviewing systems in our region, our facilities are second-to-none and compatible with virtually any statistical or database software.

WestGroup’s team of project directors have extensive experience in the design and implementation of simple and complex cell-phone/telephone surveys.

Contact a WestGroup representative to learn more about how we can help make the most of your next phone survey.


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WestGroup Research has consistently provided high-quality data in a timely manner.  They have been flexible in their scheduling and responsive to our research requests  – Arizona Department of Health Services