During the past year, Make-A-Wish® America led an effort to measure the impact of the wish experience on wish children at least five years following their experience. While a similar study had been conducted to define the short-term effects of wishes (within one year of the wish experience), this was the first time such an effort had been made to identify the long-term impact of the wish experience.
Make-A-Wish partnered with WestGroup Research to conduct this two-phased study to define and measure the long-term outcomes of the wish experience and the dimensions of impact on the lives of wish children, their families, and the larger community.
For the first time, we were able to quantify the enduring impact of the wish experience on wish recipients in several areas, including emotional and social well-being, education and career choice, philanthropic involvement, relationships with family and friends, lifestyle choices, and overall outlook on life. We immediately incorporated insights from this research into our nationwide branding and awareness efforts.
Conducting research among our clients requires sensitivity and compassion—as well as the more typical qualitative and quantitative research skills needed for most other projects. We found the entire package with WestGroup.
-Nick Fradkin, Manager, Chapter Reporting & Analysis, Make-A-Wish America